Our online surveys and other webforms can help you stay close to your target audience. Whether you’re in business, the public sector, a not-for-profit organisation, or even a club or membership group… we’ll cost-effectively build and host a bespoke online form with your branding to capture or update data that is perfect for:
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Seminar and other event registrations
- Customer after sales follow-up
- Health & Safety incident logging
- Recruitment job applications, and other HR purposes such as employee surveys and feedback
- Client registration
- Mailing list forms
- Club/membership applications and/or data cleansing
- Enrolment applications
- Public submissions and feedback
We can also help with email communication of the survey or other form to your customers or other target group.
The great thing is that not only can you get real-time notifications when your form is completed, you also get all the data in spreadsheet format which is super handy for importing the data into your systems. Your form can be put live for a set period of time or live continuously, you simply let us know.